The wand chooses the wizard, remember…

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Ah, a wizard and his wand, a guitarist and his pick… Just as a wand is more than a stick for a wizard, a pick is more than just plastic for a guitarist. Music or magic, depending on which kind of show-off you’re dealing with. Just like in potions, it’s all about the right touch. Your pick says a lot about you. Thick or thin? Fancy or straight to the point. Organic or synthetic.

Embrace Your Style

Forged in the fires of Mordor (TM) and coveted by enthusiasts across Middle Earth: the one pick to rule them all.

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Stylish Comfort

Some picks are too hard, some too soft, but this pick will feel  just right based on a quick blood draw,  biometric analysis and brief survey before you rock out.

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Each Is Unique

No two guitar picks are a like as each crystal guitar pick is hand-shattered by indigenous pick carvers in Southern California.

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Start A New Path

It’s almost never too late to ‘pick’ up the guitar. This pick, like any other equipment won’t make you sound any better. That’s all on you.

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